In a world where everything seems to be disposable and ready to be thrown away, talking about sustainability, as far as hospital supplies and surgical instruments are concerned, could seem a contradiction, but it is not. Healthcare requires, by its very nature, the use of disposable devices, inside or outside the operating and surgical rooms. So, where to insert the concept of sustainability in a world like this?
The principles base of the concept of sustainability are many and, for us at FBM Healthcare, they are, first, in the ability to deal with the best manufacturers of surgical instruments and medical devices, companies capable of reducing their carbon footprint and thinking, in this way, also to the environment.
The ability and the know-how of our staff, secondly, allow us to optimally study each supply, to give the best possible response to our customers. This guarantees to provide a high-end product that lasts over time.
In addition to this, we provide after-sales assistance, to reduce any type of disservice or use problem.
We pointed out a pay-per-use rental formula, in order to allow a reduction in terms of costs and – a very important thing – the opportunity to not purchase a supply that is not essential.
Reducing waste is an important voice in our sustainability mission.
We also lean on a consolidated and well-studied logistics structure, where every movement of goods we place on the market is studied to have the least possible impact on the planet and on delivery times to our customers.
Finally, FBM Healthcare aims to reduce, over the next few years, its own carbon footprint as possible.