In addition to the sales service, FBM Healthcare implemented a rental service for surgical instruments and equipment for laparoscopic and endourological procedures for hospitals and healthcare companies, also with a pay-per-use formula.
FBM Healthcare combines the experience of companies and professionals who have always been involved in the sector of supplies and services in the public and private healthcare sector. For this reason, we can guarantee the turnkey realization of a multi-specialist and multi-brand equipment and surgical instrument rental service, making the most important instrument manufacturers available worldwide.
Renting surgical instruments with FBM Healthcare is an excellent opportunity in case of emergency or extraordinary situations. Rental is the most immediate response, to be done in complete safety, without compromising the total efficiency required. In addition to this, we will take care of the preparation of the rooms for laparoscopic and endourological procedures, guaranteeing the presence of specialized personnel specially trained for the correct functioning of the equipment and for the training of the room staff.